Why? Because it's the first REGULAR store in many, many years that I have walked into, picked things off the rack, tried them on, and bought them. Not a plus size. Not a "missus" size. A regular size (albeit XL) that I tried on and things fit. And I liked them. And I bought them. To most people, this doesn't seem like a big deal, but to me, it's huge. So huge, in fact, that my last blog was called "The Regular Store" because my big goal at the time was to fit in clothes at the regular stores. So, it was quite the milestone for me.
I haven't been writing much and I've been trying to figure out why. I've been doing fine on my weight loss - it's coming off very slowly, but it's still coming off. I've been doing okay on my running - not as great as I'd like it to, but I'm still getting out there three or four times a week and I'm planning on running in another 5k race in October. I think I'm not writing mainly because I don't think anyone else reads this. When I'm writing for myself, it's mainly to capture progress or to write things down that are weighing on me and I just haven't had that much that I need to say to myself. If I thought others were reading, I'd be more likely to pop in and say "Just wanted to say hi! I'm doing fine and I hope you are."
So, if there's anyone out there, "Hi! I'm doing fine and I hope you are." If noone is out there, then to me, "Good job, girl! I knew you could do it and we'll keep going back to LOFT to celebrate the success!"
1 day ago