
I love Wii Fit!

My first "reward" for weight loss came at the 15 lb. mark. I've set up different milestone rewards as little mini-goals. Most are for # lbs. lost, but some are things like finishing my first 5k (first weekend of May!!!), going down pants sizes, etc. Anyway, my first reward was buying wii fit and I LOVE IT! I've been trying to run every other day and then, on my "off" days, I've been spending at least 30 minutes on wii fit.

It's become quite the family competition, constantly trying to knock eachother out of first place on the different activities. I've learned I stink at the strength exercises, but I'm pretty good at the balance and really good at the aerobics (must be all of the running I'm doing) and surprisingly good at the yoga. I have to say, I'm way too hyper for yoga to hold my attention for long, but it does feel good to stretch my sore legs after running. And I get a good laugh at myself when I do the hula hoops! Last night, I unlocked boxing and I think it's my favorite so far!

I've been discovering new weight loss blogs, too! Adding the links to the left side of the page so I can have easy access. It's great motivation for me to pop over and spend some time on one of these sites when I'm feeling a little weak in the motivation area! These folks are a real inspiration to me.

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