

My feelings are hurt. It's as simple as that. Clear to me that my kids mean nothing around here. They aren't "special" and none of you give a flip about either of them. We can give a lot of lip service about how we don't treat the top players differently, but we all know that is a bunch of shit. I don't really mean anything either - beyond whatever I can do for you that day. I am used and I am overlooked and I am taken advantage of. I allow it to happen because I am more concerned with pleasing people than I am for my own well-being. I don't know what's going on Saturday, but I do know that I wasn't invited. I guess I need to come to terms with what that means and where I stand. I need to stop expecting or hoping to be included because it's clear that I am an afterthought, if I'm thought of at all. Maybe it's time to move on. To really start thinking about what to do next. It's too hurtful here.

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