
I think I'm drowning myself...

I hate when you first start to try to lose weight and your body isn't used to the huge water consumption. I've been drinking so much water the last few days, I feel like I'm going to float away...

On another note...it's only been two days (this is day three), but so far, all is well. Nick has even jumped on the bandwagon and is helping me track points. This is a good thing, because writing things down has always been an effort and an area that I tend to slack off. When I slack off, I tend not to do as well. Yesterday, I picked him up from school and the first words out of his mouth were, "let me see your tracker". He proceeded to analyze everything I ate over the course of the day! Hilarious. If it was anyone else, I think it would annoy me, but because it's him, I just thought it was cute. He did determine that I did a "good job, mom". So, that could account for why it's okay!

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