
Every Decision has a Consequence

That is the statement that was going through my head this morning in the shower. This was not a good weightwatchers week. In fact, it's the first week that I gained any weight. True, it was only .2 pounds. True, I knew it wasn't going to be a good one. I got lazy with tracking, we ate out way too much, I drank a lot on Saturday night.

I did well with exercise, but I guess not enough to compensate for the excess calorie intake. So, when all is said and done, I made some bad decisions and those bad decisions have consequences. I was pretty bummed yesterday about it, but today, I woke up, had the "consequences" thought, and decided to really try to refocus this week. I even wrote that down on a paper, which I taped to the cup holder on my desk. I don't want to slip back. I find it interesting that every time I've done weight watchers, I start to slide the week that people start noticing that I've lost weight. I should try to figure that one out...hmmm.

"every decision has a consequence."

Start 227.8
Current 213.4
Total 14.4

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