It's really the small things that I've been noticing as I've been stalled around the same weight for a while. First, it was the looseness of my rings. They are spinning around my finger again during the course of the day, which hasn't happened in ages.
Today, I noticed my collar bones. When I was younger, my collar bones were one of my favorite features. Not sure why, really, but I just find visible collarbones kind of sexy. Not skeletal, no meat on the bones, visible...just visible. They've been hidden under layers of fat for a while and well, hello there, collarbones - you're back! Yay.
Not a great weight loss week, but I wasn't expecting it to be. I'm still out on the running front, so exercise has been minimal. Just a few bike rides here and there. M's birthday and some pretty lax tracking has shown itself to be true weight retainers. However, I only gained .2, so I actually am okay with that. Refocusing today. Drinking lots of water and need to stop any after-dinner snacking. I have my anniversary this week and C's birthday. So, it may be another low productivity week, but mentally, I'll be back on track!
Start 227.8
Current 200.6
Total 27.2
1 day ago
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