I know I've been pretty sketchy in my updates lately, but something about the fact that nobody reads it, keeps me kind of lazy! haha. I write mainly for myself, but sometimes it's lonely to dump things on here and know they are going into some cosmic, virtual black hole. I do need to remind myself, however, that the main benefit is getting it here in writing so I can look back at it later to 1)see how far I've come and 2)do a little self-analysis. Some of the healthiest times in my life have been when I'm journaling and rereading my entries. This is just an online version of the same.
So, it's been around a month and I haven't lost a single pound. I may have even gained a couple. Truth is, I'm doing pretty well if I were trying to maintain my weight - I'm exercising regularly, I'm making reasonably smart food decisions (allowing for a treat or splurge here and there...). But, I'm NOT doing what I need to do to lose weight. I'm not doing a good job of tracking. I've settled back into my post-dinner snacking (late night eating really just needs to go away altogether). I allow myself to partake in some family favorites that I was really disciplined about staying away from at the beginning of this journey.
It is time to snap out of it!
NO MORE EATING AFTER DINNER. You're not hungry. You're bored. You're like a freakin' drug addict at night, just waiting for M to go to bed so you can pour a little bowl of cereal or eat a few starbursts. Nothing huge or that bad in and of itself...it's more about the REASON for eating than the actual eating. You do not need to eat when you're not hungry. Period. Wasted calories.
I ran a few miles last night during C's soccer practices, then went home and undid all of the good work in just a single bowl of late night cereal. That could have been 300 calories towards losing weight.
1 day ago